Paul Jewett - Music Pastor @ Northeast Baptist Church :
"Beth Miles is one of the most engaging, compassionate women I know. God has blessed her with a heart for women, more importantly women who are hurting and it is very apparent from the moment you meet her. Beth is a student of the Word and has an amazing ability to take difficult passages and break them down without sounding preachy or self-righteous. I have ministered alongside Beth for many years and never have I seen her show up unprepared, neither is she in a hurry. Everyone is equally important to her and she will take whatever time needed to connect with each person. If you are looking for a speaker for your women’s retreat or event, you will be blessed by Beth Miles."
David Guion - Music Pastor @ The Country Church:
"I have known Beth Miles, and her husband, Kenny, for over thirty years. They have walked with me through many of the joys and sorrows of this life and it has been my honor to do the same with both of them. I have watched their children grow up. I knew their late parents. We have “done life” together for over thirty years now. It’s against this backdrop of relationship and experience that allows me to say that Beth is an authentic, engaging and empathetic person. She speaks from a place of practice and participation. In other words, she does not just talk about caring for the poor; she leads a ministry that regularly cares for the poor and needy. She does not just speak about worshiping God; she hosts events for women to actively encounter and worship God. These are just a few of the reasons that I can recommend my friend, Beth Miles to you without reservation."
Kathy Crane - Women's Ministry Leader
If you are looking for a delightful and Biblically sound speaker to address the women of your church I would encourage you to consider Beth Miles. She spoke to our women at Trinity Church in November 2017 and her teaching was an inspiration to the group. Beth used personal examples and in-depth Bible study to challenge and encourage our members to get rid of all that weighs us down and run with endurance the race set before each of us. Beth does all for the glory of God, maintains a standard of excellence in all she does, and lives out the admonition to love and serve one another.
Linda Lancaster - Women's Ministry Leader in Winslow, AR
Wow out is correct! I was Wow’ed by the true completeness of this program to come minister to us. This community came together...all denominations, to hear the truth of God’s Word. Thank you all for your sacrifice to travel up to Arkansas to minister to us!
Ruth Ann Jewett - Women's Ministry Leader @ The Country Church in Marion TX
So blessed to have had Beth speak at our ladies retreat. Her passion to share the life changing truths of God's Word is both convicting and encouraging. We were given biblical standards to equip us in navigating our way through this life in preparation for eternity.